The Areopagus Blog

The Areopagus Blog

The Areopagus Blog features insightful articles, reflections, and commentary on a wide range of topics related to faith, culture, and contemporary issues. Written by Dr. Jefrey D. Breshears and other contributing authors, the blog offers thoughtful Christian perspectives designed to inform, challenge, and inspire readers. Explore the latest posts below to engage with ideas that encourage deeper understanding and meaningful dialogue.

Countercultural Christianity and Spiritual Warfare

by Jefrey D. Breshears Normal Christianity In the late 1930s the Chinese church leader, Watchman Nee, wrote The Normal Christian Life, a book that was based on lectures he gave in 1938-39 but which was not published until 1957. In his book Nee argued that a “normal”...

A Contemplative Response To the Culture War

Throughout most of the 20th century American Christians essentially forfeited the culture war through a lethal combination of blissful ignorance, apathy, lethargy, cowardice, misplaced priorities, and the myriad distractions of life. As a result, the consequences are...

How Neo-Marxists Changed American Popular Music… and Culture

In their book, How Now Shall We Live?, authors Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey contrast the dystopian predictions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) with those of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). Both forecast a bleak future for human society, but...

What’s Wrong With Socialism? The Ideal vs. the Reality

Socialism has never been so popular in America as it is presently. This is largely attributable to the effects of decades of left-wing propaganda channeled through our education system, the mainstream media and popular culture. Some critiques of capitalism are...

Was the 2012 Election America’s Adrianople?

Was the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012 America’s Adrianople – the watershed event that decisively determined America’s demise as the most prosperous and powerful nation in human history? Given the fact that America has also been a unique nation in terms of its...

October 2016 Forum – The Future of Religious Freedom in America

Travis Barham Attorney Alliance Defending Freedom Religious liberty is the bedrock principle upon which our country was founded, but that principle is increasingly under attack by a coalition of secular forces that want to ban Christian beliefs from our public square...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2016

The Most Important Election of our Lifetime by Franklin Graham In just a few weeks our nation will select a man or woman who will become the 45th president of the United States of America. Whomever we elect will take the helm of a nation that has grown increasingly...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2016

The Upcoming Presidential Election What's At Stake Only the most ignorant, naive, or hopelessly partisan Americans would consider either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be an ideal candidate for president of the United States. Both are seriously flawed in terms of...

Summer 2016: The Late Great Jesus Movement

THE LATE GREAT JESUS MOVEMENT: The inspiring story, the music, and the legacy of one of the most unique and creative revivals in American history A Special Areopagus Presentation by Dr. Jefrey Breshears Eric Smith Dr. Richard G. Howe A presentation based on Dr....

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2016

The Areopagus Media by Jefrey Breshears For the past twelve years the Areopagus website has kept people informed regarding our upcoming seminars and forums, along with our Statement of Beliefs and Mission Statement, general information on our ministry, our history and...

April 2016 Forum – Dr. Paul Copan

From Faith to Skepticism: Notable Skeptics Who Were Once Professing Christians – and Why They Left the Faith Dr. Paul Copan Christian philosopher & apologist, and author of "The Gospel in the Marketplace" "God Goes to Starbucks" and "Is God a Moral Monster?" Over...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2016

The Areopagus Media by Jefrey Breshears For the past twelve years the Areopagus website has kept people informed regarding our upcoming seminars and forums, along with our Statement of Beliefs and Mission Statement, general information on our ministry, our history and...

Why I’m Glad I Watched The Super Bowl

I watch NFL games occasionally, but I’m no ardent fan. I’m familiar with some of the players, but I don’t know, nor do I really care to know, most of them. Furthermore, I’ve never cared for the whole corporate NFL image – a carefully crafted but very incongruent mix...

February 2016 Forum – Islam: The Current Crisis

Militant Islam is spreading around the globe – including here in America – and Christians need to be well-informed regarding the origins of the current crisis and what we can do to serve as a source of Light and Truth in the midst of a world that is becoming...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2016

Reflections on 2015: A Most “Interesting” Year by Jefrey D. Breshears An old Chinese curse says, “May you live in interesting times!” We certainly are doing that – although most of what is happening seems to be for the worse. Sure, standards of living continue to rise...

November 2015 Forum – Kelvin Cochran

Kelvin Cochran served with distinction as Fire Chief of the City of Atlanta for more than five years, prior to which he served as US Fire Administrator where he worked with FEMA and the US Department of Homeland Security. In November of 2014 Fire Chief Cochran was...

October 2015 Forum -Theistic Evolution

Theistic evolution (TE, or "evolutionary creationism") is the official position of the Roman Catholic Church, and it is the dominant view among liberal Protestant Christians.  But most alarmingly, it is having a growing influence in...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2015

“One Ring to Rule Them All” Refuting Philosophical Materialism by Nancy Pearcey In high school, Dylan was a natural leader. Everyone expected him to succeed. But when he went to college, his Christian convictions were assailed by doubts in virtually every class. In...

Atlanta Premiere of “Living Waters”

The Areopagus is pleased to be working together with The Discovery Institute to present the Atlanta premiere of "Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth".  Join us on Monday, October 5th at Mt. Paran Christian School for the Greater Atlanta...

Summer 2015 – Books & Culture: Mind and Cosmos

Bruce Phillips critiques "Mind and Cosmos" by Thomas Nagel Thursday, Sep 3 7:30 pm Mt. Bethel Community Center The modern materialistic theory of life fails completely to account for such fundamental realities as consciousness, intentionality, meaning and value....

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2015

Why Young Adults are Leaving the Church   by Klinton Silvey In an article entitled "Why College Students Are Really Leaving the Church," Klinton Silvey, a young Christian apologist and the founder of Life-in-Progress Ministries, makes several points that should be...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2015

The Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster [NOTE: For many Americans, summertime is all about vacations, outdoor activities and (perhaps) a more relaxed schedule. Many students look at it as a time to turn off their mind for eight or...

Summer 2015 – Books & Culture: Cold Case Christianity

COLD-CASE CHRISTIANITY A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospel A review and critique by Eric Smith Written by J. Warner Wallace, an L.A. County homicide detective and a former atheist, Cold-Case Christianity examines the claims of the New Testament...

April 2015 Forum – Dr. Paul Copan: Divine Justice

The Israelite conquest of Canaan is one of the most controversial accounts in the Bible and one of the most problematic issues in Christian apologetics. Skeptics often cite this "genocide" of the native Canaanites to argue that the God of the Bible is just as...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2015

The Decline of  Mainline Protestantism in America... And How the Evangelical Church Can Avoid the Same Mistakes by Mark Tooley Mark Tooley, the president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, spoke at our Areopagus Forum twice in February. The following are...