The Areopagus Blog

The Areopagus Blog

The Areopagus Blog features insightful articles, reflections, and commentary on a wide range of topics related to faith, culture, and contemporary issues. Written by Dr. Jefrey D. Breshears and other contributing authors, the blog offers thoughtful Christian perspectives designed to inform, challenge, and inspire readers. Explore the latest posts below to engage with ideas that encourage deeper understanding and meaningful dialogue.

Forum Videos 2017-18

Nancy Pearcey Defining and Defending Sexual Truth in a Secular Culture This video is the same talk given to The Heritage Foundation in March 2018. William Gairdner The Culture War on the Family Eric A. Smith Was the Universe Made for Man? ? Rod Dreher How To Be a...

Summer 2018 – Dinner & Dialogue Series

Summer 2018 DINNER & DIALOGUE Four Books Every Christian Should Know   A review and critique of four significant books, NOT a book club, so plan on joining us whether or not you've read the books.  These DINNER & DIALOGUE sessions are always enjoyable,...

May 2018 Forum – Nancy Pearcey

Defining and Defending SEXUAL TRUTH in a Secular Culture A Special Areopagus Presentation with NANCY PEARCEY Best-selling author of The Soul of Science, Total Truth, Finding Truth, Love Thy Body, and co-author with Charles Colson of How Now Shall We Live? see our...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2018

The Truth About Human Sexuality in a Confused and Chaotic Culture Insights and challenges from the new book by Nancy Pearcey, “Love Thy Body” Human life and sexuality have become the watershed moral issues of our age. Every day, the twenty-four-hour news cycle...

Israel Tour 2019

Christian Heritage Tour of February 21 - March 1, 2019 Join us for this unique experience as we visit Jerusalem • Bethlehem • Nazareth The Sea of Galilee • Capernaum • The Golan Heights Caesarea • The Jordan River • Qumran and Masada The Western (“Wailing”) Wall • The...

Christian History Tour 2018

AREOPAGUS CHRISTIAN HERITAGE OF TOUR OF NEW ENGLAND AND THE NORTHEAST SEPTEMBER 21-30, 2018 In September 2018 the Areopagus will sponsor a "CHRISTIAN HISTORY TOUR OF AMERICA" in which we'll visit many of the key sites in early American Christian history in New England...

The Benedict Option: A Necessary Preface

In the course of reading reviews and listening to comments over the past couple of months regarding Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option, it has occurred to me that some kind of Preface needs to precede any kind of thoughtful and focused discussion of the book. In...

The Culture War and the Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities

In the 1992 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton’s advisors sensed that despite all the issues that might impact the election – whether foreign, domestic, or personal – the overriding concern was the economy. They were so convinced of this that they adopted a kind of...

April 2018 Forum – William Gairdner

The Culture War on the Family The Radical Agenda to Undermine and Destroy the Traditional Family... and How To Defeat It! A special Areopagus Forum with Dr. William Gairdner Best-selling author of The War Against the Family and The Book of Absolutes THURSDAY, APRIL...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2018

IMAGINE... Four Secular Dogmas, and the Challenges We Face by Thomas Lambrecht A recent article in the journal First Things by Mary Eberstadt entitled “The Zealous Faith of Secularism” make the case that the challenge we face in the United States is one of competing...

March 2018 Forum – The Opioid Crisis

The Opioid Crisis What Every Christian Needs to Know A special Areopagus Forum with Missy Owen Co-founder and CEO of The Davis Direction Foundation and The Zone (featured in the A&E series, “Intervention”) THURSDAY, MARCH 15th 7:00 PM Johnson Ferry Baptist Church...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2018

What Every Christian Should Know About the Life and Works of C. S. Lewis by Jefrey Breshears Our Areopagus seminar for the first semester of 2018 is one of my favorite courses in our catalogue: “C. S. Lewis: The Life and Works of a ‘Mere Christian’.” As most...

November 2017 Forum – Rod Dreher

— THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th— How To Be a Christian In a Society That No Longer Is A special Areopagus Forum with Rod Dreher Author of the best-seller, “The Benedict Option” Rod Dreher’s recently published best-seller, The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a...

November 2017 Forum – Ken Meyers

— THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th— Repairing the Damage of Modern Culture A special Areopagus presentation by Ken Myers Founder, host and producer of The Mars Hill Audio Journal How can Christians live more thoughtfully, more responsibly, and more effectively in the midst of...

October 2017 Forum – The Protestant Reformation

IN CELEBRATION OF THE 500th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION A special Areopagus presentation by Dr. Jefrey Breshears Christian historian, author, and president of The Areopagus “What Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation” The causes and legacy of...

October 2017 Forum – Rob Bowman

— THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th— Dr. Rob Bowman Executive Director, The Institute for Religious Research “Why The Reformation Happened, and Why It Still Matters Today†The Protestant Reformation began in...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2017

Why a Reformation Was Necessary Then... and Now by Jefrey D. Breshears I returned a week ago from our Areopagus-sponsored Reformation History Tour. As anticipated, it was an inspiring experience as we visited many of the key sites associated with this momentous period...

Three Special Forums This Fall

— THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th— Dr. Rob Bowman Executive Director, The Institute for Religious Research “Why The Reformation Happened, and Why It Still Matters Today” — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th— Rod Dreher Author of the best-seller, “The Benedict Option” “How To Be a...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2017

“The Benedict Option” A Necessary Preface by Jefrey D. Breshears Our Areopagus Dinner & Dialogue series this summer focused on Rod Dreher’s new book, 'The Benedict Option". Dreher is a writer and senior editor at The American Conservative blogsite, and "The...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2017

The Most Important Christian Book of the Decade? “The Benedict Option” by Jefrey Breshears One of the most anticipated books in recent years was released a couple of weeks ago: Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation...

May 2017 Forum – Mike Shotwell

A special Areopagus Forum with Mike Shotwell Author of Immersed in Red: My Formative Years In a Marxist Household Nearly 60 years ago the communist folk singer Pete Seeger wrote “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” one of the most popular songs of the 1960s. Over the...

Ten Myths–and Ten Truths–About Atheism

The following is a collection of informal responses to an op-ed piece published by the atheist advocate Sam Harris in the LA Times on December 24, 2006 tat was sent to me by a longtime friend with whom I had been out of touch for many years. When we reconnected, we...

The Salvation Process

Spiritual salvation is a two-phase process that begins with the spiritual phenomenon of conversion and continues through a life-long process of transformation (or “spiritual formation”) related to Christian discipleship. continue reading the full PDF article here

Deconstructing “The DaVinci Code”

The Da Vinci Code is the kind of book that serious scholars tend to dismiss as unworthy of comment. If only it were true. Based on dubious scholarship and replete with factual errors, questionable assertions and crackpot conspiracy theories, the book is impressive for...

Christian and Eastern Spirituality: The Fundamental Differences

Today, many Christians are dissatisfied with mere religion and are searching for a deeper spirituality, a direct and intimate relationship with God. Unfortunately, many shy away from the discipline of meditation because they associate it with Eastern religions or New...

April 2017 Forum – Charles Payette

A Special Areopagus Forum with Charles Payette Bible Historian and Curator of the Payette Bible Collection Charles Payette is a nationally-recognized speaker and Bible historian, and the curator of the Payette Bible Collection, one of the most unique and impressive...

The Dark Side Of The Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was one of the most monumental and significant events in Western history. As the historian Rudolph Heinze writes, “The changes that occurred were so radical that a medieval Rip van Winkle who went to sleep in 1350 and woke up in 1650 would...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2017

The Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities by Jefrey Breshears With the election of Donald Trump last November, America is more polarized than at any time in our history since the Civil War. Of course the same would be true had Hillary Clinton won the election, except...