A Requiem for Afghanistan

A Requiem for Afghanistan

Last week I wrote an essay on our Areopagus Facebook page and website entitled “Don’t Trust Anyone’s Judgement Who Didn’t See This Coming” that began with this warning: Here is a simple lesson in prudential judgment: Don’t trust anyone’s judgement on any political,...
The 2020 Election: What Was Really at Stake

The 2020 Election: What Was Really at Stake

In keeping with the old Chinese curse, “May you live in ‘interesting’ times,” this has certainly been an ‘interesting’ year.  In fact, it has been in many respects a ‘perfect storm’ marked by an unprecedented degree of domestic chaos, dysfunction and disruption as...
Reflections on the Elections, Part 2

Reflections on the Elections, Part 2

Reflections on the Elections Part 2 Jefrey Breshears As Christians, our primary calling in life is to follow Jesus’ admonitions to “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness” and “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength,…...