The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2016

The Upcoming Presidential Election What’s At Stake Only the most ignorant, naive, or hopelessly partisan Americans would consider either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be an ideal candidate for president of the United States. Both are seriously flawed in...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2016

Reflections on 2015: A Most “Interesting” Year by Jefrey D. Breshears An old Chinese curse says, “May you live in interesting times!” We certainly are doing that – although most of what is happening seems to be for the worse. Sure, standards of living continue to rise...

Dr. Breshears featured on

The site asked Dr. Breshears five questions on his latest book The Gospel According to Barack. You can read and comment on the article here. Learn more about the book Purchase your own paper copy of the book on