September 2012 Forum: ASK – Apologetics Curriculum for Young Adults

The Areopagus


A new interactive apologetics curriculum for young adults and students

Students and young adults today encounter a secular culture that is increasingly intolerant and hostile toward biblical beliefs and morality. Unfortunately, most Christian students are not knowledgeable enough or adequately prepared to defend what they believe, which often renders them timid when it comes to sharing their faith with friends and non-believers in general.

ASK is a new interactive curriculum produced by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries that equips students with the critical tools they need to understand their faith in more depth and defend it more effectively when challenged by honest spiritual seekers or cynical skeptics. Focusing on the four basic questions of human existence, students learn how to think clearly and critically about issues related to Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny.

Join us Thursday, September 20th, 7:30PM
at Perimeter Church Fellowship Hall

click here for directions

Written by The Areopagus

The Areopagus is an interdenominational Christian study ministry that offers seminars, workshops, and forums on a variety of topics relevant to contemporary Christian education and ministry.

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