The Problem of Apatheism
How To Share the Gospel Effectively With Those Who Seemingly Don’t Care

Conventional Christian apologetics challenges non-believers to seriously consider the exclusive truth-claims of the Christian faith by presenting compelling arguments based on historical and scientific facts and logic — often augmented by an appeal to Scripture and one’s personal testimony.

However, we understand that most people are not intellectually-inclined and are motivated more by feelings than by thoughtful reasoning.  The vast majority of people are focused more on the pursuit of individual self-fulfillment, comfort, money, status, pleasure and entertainment than by any compelling desire to know God and follow his will and purpose for their lives.

In his book, Apatheism, author Kyle Beshears presents a practical and effective approach to sharing the gospel with those who seemingly just don’t care about developing a personal spiritual relationship with God through faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.  There is a way to interact with such people that can be practical, engaging and effective in terms of refocusing their attention on what ultimately matters most in life.  As C. S. Lewis noted in Mere Christianity: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.

We all have family members and friends whom we long to see come to faith in Jesus Christ, but who seem totally disinterested.  In his book and presentation, Kyle Beshears offers wise insights and counsel on how to engage and motivate such people to awaken from their spiritual malaise.


Kyle Beshears, Ph.D.

Kyle Beshears, Ph.D.

Apatheism How We Share When They Don’t Care bookHolding a PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, he serves as a campus pastor at Mars Hill Church in Mobile, Alabama, is an adjunct professor of religion at the University of Mobile, and is the author of Apatheism: How We Share When They Don’t Care (2021).

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