November 2014 Forum – An Introduction to Bibliology

The Areopagus

November 20, 7:30pm
Midtown Auditorium
Many dedicated and conscientious Christians invest thousands of hours over the course of their lives reading, studying, and discussing the Bible, but relatively few have anything approaching an informed and thoughtful philosophy of the Bible. In this presentation, Jefrey Breshears explores issues of vital interest and concern to Christians and non-Christians alike regarding the Bible, including…
  • What is the Bible? If asked to define the Bible without using the familiar cliche, “The Bible is the Word of God,†what would you say?
  • Does the Bible present a coherent, consistent and comprehensive worldview and philosophy of life?
  • Is there a qualitative difference between the kind of inspiration that we encounter in the Bible and that which motivates gifted writers, speakers, preachers, composers, and artists to produce their works?
  • Why is it reasonable to believe that the Bible was divinely-inspired?
  • What are the origins of the Bible, and how were the early manuscripts composed?
  • Why were certain books included and excluded from the Bible?
  • Why should we believe that the Bible has been accurately preserved and transmitted through the centuries?

Written by The Areopagus

The Areopagus is an interdenominational Christian study ministry that offers seminars, workshops, and forums on a variety of topics relevant to contemporary Christian education and ministry.

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