The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2017

2017: The Year of the Reformation by Jefrey Breshears The Protestant Reformation was one of the most significant events in Christian history as well as one of the great transitional eras in Western civilization. As the historian Rudolph Heinze has written, “The...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2016

The Most Important Election of our Lifetime by Franklin Graham In just a few weeks our nation will select a man or woman who will become the 45th president of the United States of America. Whomever we elect will take the helm of a nation that has grown increasingly...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2016

The Upcoming Presidential Election What's At Stake Only the most ignorant, naive, or hopelessly partisan Americans would consider either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be an ideal candidate for president of the United States. Both are seriously flawed in terms of...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2016

The Areopagus Media by Jefrey Breshears For the past twelve years the Areopagus website has kept people informed regarding our upcoming seminars and forums, along with our Statement of Beliefs and Mission Statement, general information on our ministry, our history and...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2016

The Areopagus Media by Jefrey Breshears For the past twelve years the Areopagus website has kept people informed regarding our upcoming seminars and forums, along with our Statement of Beliefs and Mission Statement, general information on our ministry, our history and...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2016

Reflections on 2015: A Most “Interesting” Year by Jefrey D. Breshears An old Chinese curse says, “May you live in interesting times!” We certainly are doing that – although most of what is happening seems to be for the worse. Sure, standards of living continue to rise...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2015

“One Ring to Rule Them All” Refuting Philosophical Materialism by Nancy Pearcey In high school, Dylan was a natural leader. Everyone expected him to succeed. But when he went to college, his Christian convictions were assailed by doubts in virtually every class. In...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2015

Why Young Adults are Leaving the Church   by Klinton Silvey In an article entitled "Why College Students Are Really Leaving the Church," Klinton Silvey, a young Christian apologist and the founder of Life-in-Progress Ministries, makes several points that should be...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2015

The Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster [NOTE: For many Americans, summertime is all about vacations, outdoor activities and (perhaps) a more relaxed schedule. Many students look at it as a time to turn off their mind for eight or...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2015

The Decline of  Mainline Protestantism in America... And How the Evangelical Church Can Avoid the Same Mistakes by Mark Tooley Mark Tooley, the president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, spoke at our Areopagus Forum twice in February. The following are...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2015

Satan's Bookshelf The Worst Books Ever Written... and Why Christians Should Know Them by Jefrey Breshears Satan’s main headquarters in Hell is an enormous complex featuring his favorite artifacts and memorabilia from throughout human history. There are rooms...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2014

Who Needs Philosophy? by Jefrey Breshears Our fall seminar in 2014 is a new Areopagus course, “Socrates Meets Jesus: How philosophy Leads to Christianity.” My hope for those involved, as with all our apologetics classes, is that they will find this course to be...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2014

Who Needs Philosophy? by Jefrey Breshears Our fall seminar in 2014 is a new Areopagus course, “Socrates Meets Jesus: How philosophy Leads to Christianity.” My hope for those involved, as with all our apologetics classes, is that they will find this course to be...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2014

A Testimonial to Faith and Courage by Jefrey Breshears One morning in late January, 1998, I walked into a classroom at Georgia State University to deliver a lecture in my Modern U.S. History course on the origins of the Cold War. Just as I was getting ready to start,...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2014

DNA, Determinism and Free Will In probing the operation of DNA, scientists have learned much more about a second biological encyclopedia of information (in addition to the "genome") that resides above the primary information stored within our DNA. Researchers have...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2014

All informed Christians know that major universities are essentially secular/liberal indoctrination centers in which traditional Christian beliefs and values are not simply ignored but often ridiculed. However, the common assumption is that many smaller universities...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2013

The Areopagus Update - Oct/Nov 2013 ARTICLES Did God Use Evolution To Create Human Beings? Areopagus Profile: Jim Motter SEMINARS Christianity Thru the Centuries Part II: The Apostolic Age To Constantine (c. 33-313 AD) Bibliology: A Study of the Origins, Composition,...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2013

Who Needs Philosophy? by Jefrey Breshears Our fall seminar in 2014 is a new Areopagus course, “Socrates Meets Jesus: How philosophy Leads to Christianity.” My hope for those involved, as with all our apologetics classes, is that they will find this course to be...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2013

Featured in the August edition of The Areopagus Update, the full text of the article "Why Should We Believe the Bible is Divinely-Inspired?" is available as a PDF from this link.Full Article:...

The Areopagus Update – Mar/Apr 2013

Who Were Adam & Eve? The Questions of Human Origins When Darwin wrote The Descent of Man, he lacked direct evidence for human evolution. He surmised that man must have evolved from an apelike animal based on anatomical comparisons among humans and other mammals,...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2013

How Should We Now Live? The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a ‘Post-Christian’ America by Jefrey Breshears Christians who understand what has happened in American society and culture over the past 50 years realize that we are entering a precarious new phase...

Christmas Greetings from The Areopagus

December 15, 2012 This has been quite a year: In March our daughter, Jenifer, gave birth to our fourth grandchild; In May my wife, Dollie, retired after 35 years in public education - and on her last day of work her mother passed away; The following month we went to...

The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2012

America’s Real Problem by Jefrey Breshears  Ours is a culture in crisis. We face monumental and unprecedented social, political and economic problems today that unless addressed and corrected will drastically and irreversibly alter America’s cultural landscape. Of...

The Areopagus Update – Aug/Sept 2012

Days of Decision by Jefrey Breshears The next three months will be extraordinarily tense as the 2012 election approaches. Throughout the media and blogosphere we read dire warnings such as, “This is the most crucial election in American history” – just as we’ve heard...

The Areopagus Update – May/June 2012

Has the Bible Been Accurately Transmitted and Preserved Through the Centuries? An Areopagus Forum With Dr. Daniel B. Wallace When you read the Bible – or hear it referred to as “the Word of...

The Areopagus Update – March/April 2012

The Areopagus Update Newsletter for March-April 2012 In Romans 8:28 the apostle Paul writes, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This principle applies not only to our personal...

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2012

 January 2012 Edition Since our founding in 2003 the Areopagus has sponsored nearly 250 seminars, forums, lectures, workshops and special events, including more than 50 semester-length seminary-level courses in Christian history, apologetics, and contemporary cultural...