April 2015 Forum – Dr. Paul Copan: Divine Justice

The Israelite conquest of Canaan is one of the most controversial accounts in the Bible and one of the most problematic issues in Christian apologetics. Skeptics often cite this “genocide” of the native Canaanites to argue that the God of the Bible is just...

November 2014 Forum – An Introduction to Bibliology

PERIMETER CHURCH November 20, 7:30pm Midtown Auditorium Many dedicated and conscientious Christians invest thousands of hours over the course of their lives reading, studying, and discussing the Bible, but relatively few have anything approaching an informed and...

May 2014 Forum – New Reasons to Doubt Darwin

New Reasons To Doubt Darwin The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design Bruce Phillips Associate Director of The Areopagus Two books come close to defining the current discussions around Intelligent Design, both by Stephen Meyer. In the...