Reflections on the Elections, Part 2

Reflections on the Elections, Part 2

Reflections on the Elections Part 2 Jefrey Breshears As Christians, our primary calling in life is to follow Jesus’ admonitions to “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness” and “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength,…...
Reflections on the Elections, Part 2

Initial Reflections on the Elections, Part 1

Initial Reflections on the Elections Part 1 Jefrey Breshears I know that many Christians are disheartened and apprehensive as a result of yesterday’s election. The final count is still undecided, and we should pray for a fair and honest counting of all legal votes in...
Two Paths to the Bottom

Two Paths to the Bottom

Two Paths to the Bottom Orwellian Hardcore and Huxleyan Softcore Tyranny by Jefrey Breshears In their book, How Now Shall We Live?, Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey contrast the dystopian predictions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) with those of George...