C. S. Lewis Tour – June 2020

The Areopagus

C. S. Lewis was one of the most influential Christians of the 20th century and a prolific author whose writings have impacted Christians across all denominational lines and traditions. In a poll taken by Christianity Today in 2000, Lewis was voted the most popular Christian author of the century, and Mere Christianity was chosen the most outstanding Christian book of the last hundred years. But Lewis was not merely an ivory tower intellectual. He also lived a fascinating and eventful life.

On our tour we will visit many of the most significant places in Lewis’s life from his birth and childhood in Belfast, Northern Ireland to his career as a renowned scholar and author at Oxford University and, later, at Cambridge University. Our tour also features regular lectures and discussions of some of the formative influences and definitive beliefs of Lewis , including…

  • His lonely and turbulent childhood and adolescent years;
  •  His military service in World War I;
  • His early career as an atheist scholar and professor;
  • His conversion to Christianity;
  • His major works in Christian apologetics, Medieval and Renaissance
    literature, science fiction, and children’s literature;
  • His involvement in “The Inklings” with J.R.R. Tolkien and other scholar/friends; and
  • His unconventional relationship with Joy Davidman Gresham.

C. S. Lewis was no average Christian, but he was, to use his own term, a “mere Christian” – one whose life was devoted to the basic core beliefs and practices of the historic Christian faith. In that respect, he serves as a model for us all. As John R. W. Stott once noted, “C. S. Lewis was a Christ-centered, great-tradition mainstream Christian whose stature generations after his death seems greater than anyone ever thought while he was alive, and whose Christian writings are now seen as having classic status.”

Join us on this unique tour of “The World of C. S. Lewis” as we learn more
about how God used this man and the events in his life to form him into a true disciple of Christ and a source of enlightenment and inspiration for millions of Christians ever since.

details & itinerary

Written by The Areopagus

The Areopagus is an interdenominational Christian study ministry that offers seminars, workshops, and forums on a variety of topics relevant to contemporary Christian education and ministry.

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