The Kingdom of Noise:
A Screwtape Letter for the 21st Century

In 1942, C.S. Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters, an imaginary collection of letters between a senior devil (Screwtape) and his neophyte pupil (Wormwood) on the techniques and tactics for harassing the Enemy (God) and seducing, distracting, and frustrating his followers (Christians). The following is an updated version on this theme.

… Good news! The latest commendations have arrived from the Council of the Pit. You impress the lower-downs, my zealous Wormwood. They have heard of your proposals to the Noise Proliferation Committee (NPC). Indeed, places of solitude and moments of silence grow ever more scarce in the Enemy’s vast and vulgar dominion. Oh, what euphoria to see his insufferable creatures constantly multi-tasking, rushing to fill the dead air with a cacophony of cell phones and muzak, leaf blowers and motorcycles, 24-hour news and ipods – not to mention car stereos cranked up full-blast and serenading the city-scape with the hellish sounds of hip-hop and heavy metal. Those nauseating humans cannot escape their self-made dungeon of din! My pride bubbles like brimstone, Wormwood.

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Jefrey D. Breshears, Ph.D., is a former university history professor and the president of The Areopagus, a Christian education ministry that sponsors forums and semester-length seminars on issues related to Bibliology, history, Christian apologetics, literature and the arts, and contemporary cultural issues. He is the author of several books including: "Introduction to Bibliology: What Every Christian Should Know About the Origins, Composition, Inspiration, Interpretation, Canonization, and Transmission of the Bible", "Why Study Christian History? The Value of Understanding the Past", "Natural Law. The Moral Foundation for Social and Political Civility", "The Case for Christian Apologetics", "American Crisis: Cultural Marxism and the Culture War - A Christian Response", and "C. S. Lewis on Politics, Government, and the Good Society".