Who Needs Philosophy?

by Jefrey Breshears

Our fall seminar in 2014 is a new Areopagus course, “Socrates Meets Jesus: How philosophy Leads to Christianity.” My hope for those involved, as with all our apologetics classes, is that they will find this course to be stimulating, inspiring, relevant and practical. But realistically, I know that many Christians have a built-in resistance toward philosophy, which is why I always try to use the ‘p’ word with discretion.

Ever since the dawn of philosophy in ancient Greece in the 6th B.C. it has been used by many to serve a humanistic agenda in which “Man is the measure of all things.” In addition, from the outset philosophy has been an intellectual and a moral morass due to the noetic effects of sin on the human soul. In short, many people either cannot or will not think straight because they are morally incapacitated as a result of intentional and habitual sin to the point that they lose the ability to discern right and wrong – or else they know full well the difference but resist what is Good and True because it impinges upon their egoistic impulses and ambitions.

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