I came to faith in Jesus Christ as a 16-year-old. Although there have been many ups and downs in my walk with Christ, I can truly say that my utter awe, wonder, love, and devotion to Christ seems to grow stronger with each passing year. I attribute much of this to Christian apologetics (providing a solid rational and factual foundation for my faith), and in later years to a fuller development of my Christian philosophy and worldview. I am a member of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, and in the past I have served on the board of Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig.

In my search for sound teaching, I came across Dr. Jefrey Breshears and the Areopagus a few years ago. I have found that the Areopagus provides a much-needed platform to instruct and strengthen believers, and importantly, to confront an ever-devolving culture with the rational, coherent truth of the Christian worldview.

I am a C.P.A., having worked for many years with the international accounting firm, Arthur Andersen. I now work with just a couple of wealthy families providing tax, financial, and investment counsel.

I am married (40 years+) to Judy Gordon Rogers, and we have three daughters.