I was a nominal Christian on and off for most of my life, never fully committed because of a parade of questions concerning the God of Christian theism. No one seemed to be able to provide answers that I found satisfying. I remained a skeptic for many years. During an extended period of searching and questioning, I was haunted by an ever-present emptiness, the origin of which I could never identify. After being evangelized by a friend and invited to join him at Harp’s Crossing Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Georgia, I gave myself to Christ in June of 1992. Both my wife, Luci, and I were baptized by immersion on the same night following a public profession of our faith in Jesus Christ.

The foremost commitment in my life is to Christ. I am convinced that I am called by Him to defend the Truth claims of Christianity through an intense study of Holy Scripture, material related to apologetics, and through teaching others about systematic apologetics. I have been most influence over the past 18 years by my studies of Christian Theism and its opponents. Of most significance in this period of study was the felt need to study the Scriptures more deeply as a process to better know my Lord. In short, one must know what and who one is defending before one can set out on their proper defense. As a consequence, I have read and studied a wide variety of topics including those on philosophy (I am a humble Thomist), Biblical hermeneutics, church history, Christian ethics, eschatology, scientific naturalism and defenses against the theory Darwinian evolution, contemporary moral and political issues, and many others. I continue to take courses at Southern Evangelical Seminary and at The Areopagus while teaching organized classes on related topics.

My interest in The Areopagus was sparked by a realization that I knew little of church history. After enrolling in several courses led by Dr. Jefrey Breshears, I became aware of the broader scope and aspirations of the ministry, all of which met my vision of what needs to done at the local-church level to better prepare believers to carry out the Great Commission while simultaneously defending the truths of our faith. In my opinion Jefrey and the board have ploughed new ground and set up a strong foundation from which to grow an exceptional teaching ministry, one that will surely bring glory to the name of God. I believe I am prepared both academically and spiritually to work toward the fulfillment of that vision, and I am honored to work along side those who have done so much to make this ministry a success.