Radio talk show host Dennis Prager is one of the most astute cultural observers of our day. In his new best-seller, “Still the Best Hope,” he argues that America (and the world) will only flourish if it returns to the values on which America was founded: the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” He warns that the only alternatives to the “American Trinity” are militant Islamism and European-style democratic secular socialism.

“Still the Best Hope” is a serious and significant critique of the current state of American culture, and this is a book that all Christians should be familiar with. Although Prager refers to fundamental “American values,” in fact he is calling for a renewed understanding and commitment to basic Judeo-Christian principles derived from Scripture.

Join us as Richie Willard, associate director of the Areopagus, provides a review and critique of this book with special emphasis on its significance for Christians.