How To Be a Christian
In a Society That No Longer Is

A special Areopagus Forum with

Rod Dreher

Author of the best-seller, “The Benedict Option”

Rod Dreher

Rod Dreher’s recently published best-seller, The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, is not only the most discussed Christian book of 2017 but also one of the most important and relevant books in recent years.

As informative and disturbing as it is inspiring, The Benedict Option is a clarion call for Christians to awaken from their cultural slumber. American culture is rapidly collapsing, and anti-Christian forces are increasingly aggressive in their attacks on Christian values and beliefs. Whether we prefer to acknowledge it or not, there is a ferocious culture war in America today. Furthermore, it is a war that Christians and other social conservatives will lose decisively unless there emerges a spiritual and moral revival that is unprecedented in its scope and depth and effect.

Dreher, the senior editor at The American Conservative, articulates a message that is as obvious as it is simple: There is something drastically wrong with status quo Christianity. Things must change as we face the troubled times and unprecedented challenges that lie ahead. But just as our society and culture grow increasingly dark and dysfunctional, new opportunities emerge for Christians to be a source of great Light and Truth.

Check out Rod Dreher at theamericanconservative.com/dreher and at wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Dreher.

7:30 PM
Perimeter Church / Ministry Center
$5 students / $10 adults / $15 per couple
collected at the door

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