The Ladder of Thorns: Finding God in a Life of Suffering

by Timothy Dalrymple, Ph.D.

Thursday, February 16 • 7:30 PM
Perimeter Church • Fellowship Hall

The relationship between human suffering and divine love is an enduring concern for Western philosophical and religious thought. Does suffering serve a purpose? From whence does it come? How does it shape the human spirit, and how should it inform our faith?

The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (1813-55) developed an original and compelling response to these questions: a “ladder” of suffering in which each form of human suffering will – if we let it – serve in essential ways to break down our former self, reduce it to nothing, and bring forth a new creation in Christ.


Timothy Dalrymple is the Director of Content for, the largest religion website in the U.S., and the Managing Editor of its Evangelical Portal. He is also a regular columnist for World magazine. Dr.Dalrymple earned bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and religious studies at Stanford University, an M.Div. at Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in modern western religious thought at Harvard. Dr. Dalrymple has ministry experience in youth ministry, college ministry, prison chaplaincy, teaching Christian apologetics, and leading overseas missions. He is currently a member of Perimeter Church.

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