What Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation


2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, which was one of the most momentous and significant periods in all of Christian history.  The Reformation will be the focus of our Areopagus seminars and some of our forums this year, and we hope you can be actively involved in these events.

Click here for the syllabus for our winter/spring seminar, “The Reformation Era, Part 1.”  In addition to the major people, issues and events related to the Reformation, this course will also address topics such as “Was the Reformation necessary?” and “Why can’t the church be unified? What are the issues that continue to divide Catholic and non-Catholic Christians today?”

Please plan to join us for this seminar, beginning on

  • Tuesday, Jan. 10th at Perimeter Church; and
  • Wednesday, Jan. 11th at JFBC.

Also, I’ll be teaching other topics related to the Reformation in our Sunday morning class at JFBC beginning on January 8th at 11:15 in Room 270.

There is a tuition cost of $60 (or $110 per couple) for the semester of classes, but there is no advance registration required for the weeknight classes. Registration will be handled in person the first night of class.

ALSO… Keep in mind that we’re scheduling a Reformation History Tour for September 15-28 in which we’ll be visiting many of the key sites related to the Reformation.  For more information check our website at www.TheAreopagus.org.