The Original Interview:

It is time to face reality, California Institute of Technology theoretical physicist Sean Carroll says: There is just no such thing as God, or ghosts, or human souls that reside outside of the body. Everything in existence belongs to the natural world and is accessible to science, he argues. In his new book “The Big Picture: On the Origin of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself,” out this week from Dutton, Carroll describes a guiding philosophy along these lines that he calls poetic naturalism. It excludes a supernatural or spiritual realm but still allows plenty of room for life to have a purpose…

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The Response from Bruce Phillips:

There has been a cottage industry of late of scientists holding forth on what are clearly NOT primarily scientific questions. They usually promote a kind of scientism–the idea that truth is available only through science. Most are philosophically uninformed. But since such forays are typically in opposition to Christian belief, they need to be answered. Hence this review.

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