My years spent growing up in a mainline church in New York in the 50s encouraged knowledge about Christianity, but did not lend itself to commitment or passion.  Years of secular education with a bent toward the sciences took their toll, and resulted in a twenty-five year self-imposed exile from a relationship with Christ.  During that time I married Pamela, we lived and worked for many years in Asia and the UK, had four wonderful daughters, and arrived in Atlanta in 1989 as seekers who knew there must be something more to life.
A chance invitation from a daughter’s friend took us to the periphery of Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta.  Because God is good we actually listened.  And as we always do, we read everything in sight!  Today we are a family of believers – with passion and commitment!  Our youngest is already in graduate school, so our goal now is to share with others what we have learned raising young Christian adults who are equipped to “do battle” with the conflicting worldviews they meet in our secular and pluralistic society.

By day I am a Certified Financial Planner™.  We remain actively involved at Eastside where I teach apologetics. Though I love history, philosophy and theology, I maintain a strong interest in science-based apologetics.  The opportunity to serve with and support Jefrey in his efforts at the Areopagus has been a great blessing.  Come join us!