The Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth

by Richard Foster

[NOTE: For many Americans, summertime is all about vacations, outdoor activities and (perhaps) a more relaxed schedule. Many students look at it as a time to turn off their mind for eight or ten weeks and disconnect from the
relentless pressures and regimented schedule of normal academic life. Church attendance tends to drop precipitously during the summer months, and many people, if they read at all, gravitate toward something light and breezy. This is a shame, because summer can also be an opportune time for spiritual growth. A suggestion: If you’ve never read Richard Foster’s modern classic, Celebration of Discipline, or conscientiously sought to incorporate the traditional spiritual disciplines into your lifestyle, dedicate this summer to exploring the rich heritage of contemplative Christian spirituality. By the arrival of fall, you might find that God has used these practices to significantly enlighten, enrich, and transform your life. — Jefrey Breshears]

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