Jefrey D. Breshears

Theistic Evolution or Special Creation?

Theistic Evolution or Special Creation?

📄The Areopagus Update – March/April 2019 How Did We Get Here... And Why Does It Matter? A recent article in The Epoch Times featured the headline, “More Than 1,000 Scientists Dissent from Darwinism.” Written by Ivan Pentchoukov, the article focuses on two of the most...

A Call to Wholistic Discipleship

A Call to Wholistic Discipleship

📄The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2018 On Loving One's Neighbor As One's Self: The Political Component Many Christians have been led to believe that we should be as apolitical as possible so as to eliminate any unnecessary distractions or impediments in our witness to...

The Benedict Option: A Necessary Preface

The Benedict Option: A Necessary Preface

In the course of reading reviews and listening to comments over the past couple of months regarding Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option, it has occurred to me that some kind of Preface needs to precede any kind of thoughtful and focused discussion of the book. In...

2017 Recommended Books & Movies

2017 Recommended Books & Movies

The Areopagus Update – Jan/Feb 2018 — APOLOGETICS — Gregory Koukl, The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important That Happened in Between (Zondervan) — CULTURAL APOLOGETICS — Rod Dreher, The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians...

Why a Reformation Was Necessary Then… and Now

Why a Reformation Was Necessary Then… and Now

📄The Areopagus Update – Oct/Nov 2017 I returned a week ago from our Areopagus-sponsored Reformation History Tour. As anticipated, it was an inspiring experience as we visited many of the key sites associated with this momentous period in Christian history –...

“The Benedict Option” A Necessary Preface

“The Benedict Option” A Necessary Preface

📄The Areopagus Update - Aug/Sept 2017 Our Areopagus Dinner & Dialogue series this summer focused on Rod Dreher’s new book, 'The Benedict Option". Dreher is a writer and senior editor at The American Conservative blogsite, and "The Benedict Option" is one of the...

The Salvation Process

The Salvation Process

Spiritual salvation is a two-phase process that begins with the spiritual phenomenon of conversion and continues through a life-long process of transformation (or “spiritual formation”) related to Christian discipleship. Conversion is both the starting point and the...

Deconstructing “The DaVinci Code”

Deconstructing “The DaVinci Code”

The Da Vinci Code is the kind of book that serious scholars tend to dismiss as unworthy of comment. If only it were true. Based on dubious scholarship and replete with factual errors, questionable assertions and crackpot conspiracy theories, the book is impressive for...

The Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities

The Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities

📄The Areopagus Update - Mar/Apr 2017 With the election of Donald Trump last November, America is more polarized than at any time in our history since the Civil War. Of course the same would be true had Hillary Clinton won the election, except that we would not have...

2017: The Year of the Reformation

2017: The Year of the Reformation

📄The Areopagus Update - Jan/Feb 2017 The Protestant Reformation was one of the most significant events in Christian history as well as one of the great transitional eras in Western civilization. As the historian Rudolph Heinze has written, “The changes that occurred...

Winter/Spring 2014 Seminar – Bibliology

Winter/Spring 2014 Seminar – Bibliology

A Study of the Origins, Composition, Divine Inspiration, Canonicity, and Preservation and Transmission of the Bible Through the Centuries Instructor: Dr. Jefrey Breshears Time and Location: Wednesdays, Starting Jan. 15 7:00 PM Johnson Ferry Baptist Church / Room 105...