PublishedTitle Author
5/7/2008 An Areopagus Retrospective

An Areopagus Retrospective

The Areopagus was founded in 2003 by Dr. Jefrey Breshears as a Christian education teaching ministry. For several years Dr. Breshears had taught seminars on Christian history, apologetics, and cultural issues in various Atlanta-area churches, and the Areopagus was established with the intention of creating a Christian study center that would function as a community of scholars, students, and spiritual seekers as well as an apologetics-based networking center for the metro-Atlanta area. Dr. Breshears chose the name “The Areopagus” for its significance in the ministry of the apostle Paul as he propagated the gospel among learned Greeks in the city of Athens (ref. Acts 17:19) and because of its historical connotation as an intersection of Christian faith and secular culture.

Jefrey Breshears
5/7/2008 Why Study Christian History?

Why Study Christian History?

According to recent surveys of college students, about half were raised attending church “regularly” or “semi-regularly,” yet more than 85% are functionally illiterate when it comes to the Bible and 95% have virtually no understanding of Christian history. Among college graduates who are church members, nearly 85% are clueless regarding the origins of their own particular church and/or denomination. And even among relatively well-educated and active church members, relatively few know much about Christian history between the close of the New Testament and the present other than some random facts related to the Crusades, the Inquisition, or the Reformation.

Jefrey Breshears
11/3/2009 Build Your Own Core Library: 50 Recommended Books

Build Your Own Core Library: 50 Recommended Books

The following books are recommended for Christians who want to build a systematic and substantive core library that includes some of the best Christian works in 7 key areas: Biblical Studies, Christian History, Christian Apologetics, Christian Spirituality, Christian Life & Discipleship, Church Life, and Eschatology.

All of these books are highly recommended, as is the sequence in which they are listed within each category. Several reference books are also included.

Jefrey Breshears
12/21/2009 Two More Movies Christians Should Know About: "The Class" and "The Reader"

"The Class" and "The Reader": Two More Movies Christians Should Know About

In this article, The Aréopagus reviews and recommends two movies: The Class and The Reader.

Jefrey Breshears
12/21/2009 Review of "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers"

Review of "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers"

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is a new documentary movie by Christian film-maker, Dan Merchant, that is causing a ripple of interest throughout both Christian and non-Christian circles.

Jefrey Breshears
3/29/2010 Rationalistic Conundrum: Dissolving Philosophy into Contemplation

The Rationalistic Conundrum: Dissolving Philosophy into Contemplation

Many Christian rationalists have a difficult time with contemplative spirituality. It strikes them as a profoundly different mindset, which in part it certainly is. For some...the whole contemplative tradition seems problematically inconsistent with a systematic theology...

Jefrey Breshears
3/29/2010 Spiritual Salvation

Spiritual Salvation

Spiritual salvation is a two-phase process that begins with the spiritual phenomenon of conversion and continues through a life-long process of transformation (or "spiritual formation") related to Christian discipleship.

Jefrey Breshears
3/29/2010 Deconstructing "The Da Vinci Code"

Deconstructing "The Da Vinci Code"

The Da Vinci Code is the kind of book that serious scholars tend to dismiss as unworthy of comment. If only it were true. Based on dubious scholarship and replete with factual errors, questionable assertions and crackpot conspiracy theories, the book is impressive for all the wrong reasons.

Jefrey Breshears
3/29/2010 Christian and Eastern Spirituality: The Fundamental Differences

Christian and Eastern Spirituality: The Fundamental Differences

Today, many Christians are dissatisfied with mere religion and are searching for a deeper spirituality, a direct and intimate relationship with God. Unfortunately, many shy away from the discipline of meditation because they associate it with Eastern religions or New Age metaphysics.

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 1: Christians in a 'Post-Christian' America: An Introduction

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 1: Christians in a 'Post-Christian' America: An Introduction

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 2: Political Correctness: The Tyranny of Our Age--Selected Case Studies

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 2: Political Correctness: The Tyranny of Our Age--Selected Case Studies

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 3: A Political Odyssey: My Road From Conservatism to Chrisitan Socialism...and Back Around Again

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 3: A Political Odyssey: My Road From Conservatism to Chrisitan Socialism...and Back Around Again

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 4: The Culture War and the Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 4: The Culture War and the Two Americas: The Undeniable Realities

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 5a: Aleksander Solzhenitsyn: The Harvard Commencement Address

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 5a: Aleksander Solzhenitsyn: The Harvard Commencement Address (PDF)

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 5b: A Contemplative Response to the Culture War

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 5b: A Contemplative Response to the Culture War (PDF)

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 6: The Ministry of the Watchman: Restoring a Vital Link in the Ministry of The Church

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 6: The Ministry of the Watchman: Restoring a Vital Link in the Ministry of The Church

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 7a: A Preface to America's Culture War: The 'Battle' of Merrymount

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 7a: A Preface to America's Culture War: The 'Battle' of Merrymount

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 7b: A Brief History of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness (start)

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 7b: A Brief History of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness (start)

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 7c: A Brief History of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness (finish)

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 7c: A Brief History of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness (finish)

Jefrey Breshears
11/01/2009 Part 8: The Politics and Philosophy of Political Correctness

Christians and the Culture War: The Challenges and Opportunities of Living in a 'Post-Christian' and Politically-Correct Culture

Part 8: The Politics and Philosophy of Political Correctness

Jefrey Breshears
05/26/2010 Ten Myths--and Ten Truths--about Atheism

Ten Myths--and Ten Truths--about Atheism

This is a collection of informat responses to an op-ed piece published by the atheist advocate Sam Harris in the LA Times on December 24, 2006 that was sent to me by a longtime friend with whom I had been out of touch for many years. When we reconnected, we found that we were on the opposite sides of most issues, although he doesn't subscribe to all of Harris's points. We had exchanged several e-mails prior to his sending me this piece, so you catch us here mid-fight. Read more...

Bruce Phillips