March 2014 Forum – Dr. Tom Woodward

The Areopagus

Your DNA Is Not Your Destiny:

The Genetics Revolution
And the Keys to Improved Health


Dr. Tom Woodward

Dr. Tom Woodward

Founder and Director, The C. S. Lewis Society, and
Research professor and department chair
of the Department of Theology at Trinity College of Florida

Over the past two decades scientists have succeeded in unlocking the human genome and cataloguing its DNA text However, in the midst of this great achievement, they have stumbled upon a previously- hidden continent of complex information in living cells, of which DNA is just the tip.

This “second code of life,” which acts like the director of the DNA orchestra, seems to be connected powerfully to health.

This presentation is a tour of these remarkable discoveries and an exploration of their implications for better human health and the argument for Intelligent Design.

Date and Time: Thursday, March 6th, 7:30pm

Location: Perimeter Church, Midtown Auditorium

(The location was moved from the Fellowship Hall of Perimeter Church to the Midtown Auditorium of Perimeter Church)

Written by The Areopagus

The Areopagus is an interdenominational Christian study ministry that offers seminars, workshops, and forums on a variety of topics relevant to contemporary Christian education and ministry.

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